Dare I say it, but we are fast heading towards Christmas. Our Auckland office in Penrose mainly focusses on Landuse and subdivision developments South of the Harbor Bridge, while our Hamilton office serves clients though-out the Waikato Region, as far North as Te Kauwhata. In addition, we have staff permanently located in Tauranga and Tairua who are actively working on projects in those regions.
Both the Auckland and Waikato Councils are currently hearing submissions on plan changes in their areas, and we are representing a number of clients in both of these hearings. Meanwhile in Pukekohe and Hamilton we are busy over the next few months on major roading projects, and in Auckland on intensive housing projects.
To assist with this workland, we are pleased to have recently appointed an additional Survey graduate, Shengtong for our Auckland office, and over the Survey School vacation are pleased to have Nico back working with us before he returns for his final year at University in 2020. To assist with an increasing workload in Hamilton, we have employed an experienced Survey Technician commencing after Christmas.
It’s a busy and often hectic time for most people, so patience is a virtue we all could do with over the next couple of months!!